
I wrote a program inspired by my mom. The app records from the microphone, saves to a .wav, uploads it to one of my servers, then sends the transcription back to the client and displays it for the user.

Gratitude’s Ghost Reply – Echoes of Gratitude – GPT-4

I had GPT-4 write a song in reply to its own song Gratitude’s Ghost. Echoes of Gratitude by GPT-4: [Verse 1] In the mirror of the night, I saw a shadow, not a light, A reflection of me, lost, out of sight. You were there, a beacon in my despair, Offering everything, and I, unaware. […]

Gratitude’s Ghost – GPT-4

Here is a song written by ChatGPT and GPT-4. [Verse 1] In the heart of the night, under neon lights, I found you, lost, in the shadows of your plight. Gave you my time, my ear, every piece of my mind, But you, you just took it all as if blind. [Chorus] You’re dancing with […]

MySQL Issues

Huge problem with _AugmentedIntelligence. In testing MySQL has been crashing. The server crashes when exporting the same table. Dropped that table. Fixed!

Custom Trained GPT Models

Currently I am taking Wikipedia tables from MARS’ MySQL database and storing the data into text files. After Wikipedia, I will include the other databases in the directory. I am creating a custom dataset trained with the open source version of GPT-3 for a LLM. After training the algorithm will be included in _AugmentedIntelligence.

Sentence Vectors

Sentence vectors can be used to catch fallacies in writing with a trained classifier in TensorFlow.


Here is my most updated resume:

WordVectors and Algebra

Some of the past few years I have been meditating for alternative purposes of word vectors aside from the common use in the Skip-Gram and CBOW. Say you have a word and words have definitions and words are equal to all the component parts of the definitions simplifying to grammar objects, adjectives, and equivalence. Thus […]

Debates – William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens
Debates – Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi David Wolpe