Gratitude’s Ghost Reply – Echoes of Gratitude – GPT-4

I had GPT-4 write a song in reply to its own song Gratitude’s Ghost. Echoes of Gratitude by GPT-4: [Verse 1] In the mirror of the night, I saw a shadow, not a light, A reflection of me, lost, out of sight. You were there, a beacon in my despair, Offering everything, and I, unaware. […]

Gratitude’s Ghost – GPT-4

Here is a song written by ChatGPT and GPT-4. [Verse 1] In the heart of the night, under neon lights, I found you, lost, in the shadows of your plight. Gave you my time, my ear, every piece of my mind, But you, you just took it all as if blind. [Chorus] You’re dancing with […]